This year's trip was very successful.  We had many new 5th standard students learn how to ride unicycles - including two amazing standouts - Kokila and Punith.  We also had an outstanding new juggler - Reshma.  Below are some of the photos that capture the spirit of this years's program.   

This was purchased with the donations collected this year!

This was purchased with the donations collected this year!

Kokila with her favorite unicycle

Kokila with her favorite unicycle



It's not just juggling and unicycling - Pooja is also a renowned dancer.

It's not just juggling and unicycling - Pooja is also a renowned dancer.

We also sponsor meals are part of our goals with the school

We also sponsor meals are part of our goals with the school

Learning how to let go!

Learning how to let go!

Reshma practicing 4-ball juggling

Reshma practicing 4-ball juggling

Four cousins - all riders!

Four cousins - all riders!


Annual Graduating Lunch - FOSM sponsors the lunch and gives each graduate a small gift.